9 Black Friday History Myths and Facts – From 1869 to 2023

Let’s demystify Black Friday history – Myths and Facts while we uncover the truth behind how we ended up setting up our midnight alarms to snag the best deals years later.

Being one of the biggest shopping festivals of the year Black Friday is also one of the most talked about. Black Friday’s origin, history, and the current scenarios surrounding this event have created a lot of buzz. Honestly, it makes us wonder which of its origin theories are true and how much of it should we actually believe!

From the unbelievable discounts to the chaos that unfolds in stores, separating truth from fiction can be a challenging endeavor. That’s where this blog comes in – to uncover the reality behind the myths and present the cold, hard facts. Join us as we embark on a journey to explore the Black Friday phenomenon, questioning the misconceptions and shedding light on the truths that have evolved over the years. Rest assured; these Black Friday Myths vs. Facts will only maximize your profits from this sale event.

History of Black Friday 1869 – That’s where it Originated

Black Friday myths and facts

Myth or Fact – Myth

The story of Black Friday pans out in many ways and the history of Black Friday 1869 is one of them. Due to the plummeting gold prices, a panic occurred in the securities market in the US on September 24, 1869. This day was addressed as Black Friday due to the attempt of two investors who wanted to corner the gold market. However, this Black Friday theory isn’t remotely related to the Black Friday sale that the shoppers tend to enjoy too much of these days. So here goes your first myth – debunked from the Black Friday history myths and facts series.

Black Friday History 1929 – The Truth

Myth or Fact – Myth

The stock market crash of 1929, according to many, is another reason why this day is coined as Black Friday. But it may come as a surprise to some people that this event actually took place on Tuesday and hence it was known as Black Tuesday. Once again, if you thought that the name Black Friday sale originated from here then we hate to break it to you that this is also a Black Friday history myth and we are all about the facts.

Black Friday ‘Chaos’ – The Story behind why it is called Black Friday?


Myth or Fact – Fact

During the 1950s, the Philadelphia Police Department coined the terms “Black Friday” and “Black Saturday” to describe the hectic days following Thanksgiving. These nicknames were a result of the massive influx of people into the city for the annual Army-Navy football game held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

Philadelphia’s police officers were required to work extended shifts during this period, as they were not permitted to take the day off. They had to manage the overwhelming crowds, which added significant stress to the department.

Furthermore, the chaotic atmosphere provided an opportunity for shoplifters to thrive, compounding the challenges faced by the Philadelphia Police Department. In this hubbub of Black Friday history myths and facts, this one stuck with the public. Beneath the surface of this retail frenzy lies a tapestry of various facts that shaped our perception of Black Friday sales.

Black Friday History Myths vs Facts – Is it the biggest shopping event of the year?

Myth or Fact – Fact

The Christmas shopping season officially sets in motion the next day after Thanksgiving. Many companies in the US provide holidays to their employees on the Friday after Thanksgiving, as a part of the Thanksgiving weekend. Therefore, increasing the number of curious shoppers during Black Friday. For decades, this post-Thanksgiving shopping extravaganza has become an annual tradition, promising incredible deals and doorbusters that lure millions of eager consumers into stores and online marketplaces.

It’s a day that’s marked by long lines, frenzied shopping, and tales of unbelievable savings that have turned Black Friday into the biggest shopping event of the year. This concept was welcomed in 2001 making this event worth mentioning while counting down the Black Friday history myths and facts.

Black Friday is the Busiest Day of the year for Plumbers!

Myth or Fact – Fact

This is in fact the funniest fact about the Black Friday History Myths and Facts series! Since people happen to clean up after the festivities that come with big fat meals, they often end up clogging the drains, sewers, and pipes. A plumbing company Roto Rooter mentioned a 50% hike compared to the normal Fridays in the demand for its services after Thanksgiving Day.

Black Friday Sale is a Multi-day Event

Black friday hot sale

Myth or Fact – Fact

As autumn leaves begin to fall and the holiday season edges closer, there’s one date that’s etched in the minds of shoppers across the nation: Black Friday. The Black Friday sale starts way before the Thanksgiving week and stays until Monday, also known as Cyber Monday. Though every retailer sets a specific date for the Black Friday sale, halfpay makes it convenient for shoppers to get these Black Friday deals in 2023. You can also sign up for their newsletters to get alerts for the sale from your favorite stores or follow them on social media platforms.

Deep Discounts are only available on Black Friday Event Day

Myth or Fact – Myth

Counting the Black Friday History myths and facts, we wanted to bring one very important concern about this event to light. It is somewhat a popular opinion that the doorbuster deals on Black Friday are offered on Friday only and that is why it encouraged very competitive behaviour amongst the shoppers. Not only that, this tradition also led to digital stampedes causing chaos and disorganization from the seller’s end. But instead of limited-time deals, the shoppers are evenly distributing these Black Friday sale discounts over a weekend in 2023. This gives shoppers enough time to do research before they buy something from Black Friday Sale.

Not all products are cheap in Black Friday Sale


Myth or Fact – Fact

The most important fact to remember during the Black Friday Sale is that not everything is cheap. Undoubtedly there are certain products that carry large discounts and the Black Friday sale is the best time to buy them but that does not mean that you should believe every deal. Here are some of the products that experts recommend buying from clearance sales and other events rather than Black Friday:

  • Newly launched electronics
  • Luxury goods
  • Bedding and linens
  • Clothing & Accessories
  • Winter clothing & gear
  • Travel Deals

So, as we delve into Black Friday history, myths, and facts, we hope that you have discovered the secrets behind the shopping holiday that has captured the hearts and wallets of consumers worldwide.

The Negative Impact of this Sale – Why Black Friday is Bad?

Myth or Fact – Fact

Under this chain of Black Friday history myths and facts, it is crucial for you to know that it has garnered criticism for various reasons. Critics argue that it promotes excessive consumerism and materialism, pushing people to buy items they may not need, and contributing to environmental concerns and financial strain. The large crowds and hectic shopping scenes on Black Friday have raised safety concerns, with instances of stampedes and accidents occurring.

Additionally, the need for retail employees to work long hours, often encroaching on Thanksgiving Day itself, has sparked debates about worker exploitation and the commercialization of holidays. Ethical concerns regarding worker treatment and manufacturing practices have also been raised, and some shoppers have voiced skepticism about the authenticity of discounts offered. However, it’s worth noting that Black Friday history shows that it can offer savings to consumers and stimulate economic activity, depending on individual perspectives and values. Therefore, it isn’t universally seen negatively.

As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of retail and commerce, it’s essential to keep in mind the historical context and the role Black Friday plays in our society. Whether you’re a dedicated bargain hunter or someone who prefers to avoid the crowds, the Black Friday history, myths, and facts remind us of the enduring allure of a good deal and the spirit of giving that defines the holiday season.

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